I met Melissa ten years ago when we were both Midshipmen at the Naval Academy. We knew each-other in that oh-yeah-I-had-physics-with-her way. So when I got a facebook message from her asking to do photos, I jumped at the chance to not only take pictures (my favorite), but also meet up with a friend from school.
Also, she changed her flight to make these photos happen. Which is incredibly flattering but certainly amped up the pressure.
We met on a frigid morning at the Naval Academy, early in the morning with the most beautiful light streaming through the large windows of Dahlgren Hall. The atmosphere was that of a family reunion…boyfriends, sisters, dads, moms, pop-pops and mom-moms all milling about and a filling the expansive room with a beautiful feeling of love.
There are some days when everything goes right. When the light is soft, and the love floats on the rays like so many dust particles. This was one of those days.